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The Gorjus Life of Buddah

What it's really like to be a famous nobody. But at least I'm famous. Timing is everything. I create my own opportunities. Get in where you fit in. Patience is a virtue. I am not a virtuous person. At least I don't think I should admit it. Okay. I'm damn lucky to be where I am today. It's a great time to be alive. God is everything. We are to. Here is my connection to you.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's Game Time

Okay, my Gorjus fans. I'm just glad to be back and so action packed. Today i celebrate the "crabby cabby". Why are drunk people so much smarter than us? I'm so sick of riding with Shrek and Donkey, I just want to pull over and clock out early. I really want to get my MMA going on in the middle of the street with some drunk dumb fuck. You ride. You pay. You get on with your life. it was a pretty busy dead weekend. Summers tend to be that way in Athens,Ga. What? With most of the students being gone during the summer months. I could give a what? That's the way the crack cookie crumbles. Summers tend to be filled with simpler schedules, more work and play than school during the regular school year. Whatever. You piss me off in the summer, you won't see my ass during the school year. Hot tub time machine it is not, but bucket of unsavory bolts it might be. I just do my thing. Ride or die. People are sometimes cheaper( ok, most of the time, they are dicks) if they don't work in the service industry. We ain't partners, we ain't brothers, and we damn sure ain't friends. Don't hop in the cheese, if you don't have the bread. fa sho. The necessary evil in my life is having to work a regular job, as with so many others in the entertainment business. I just want to make it through a weekend without some asshole telling the best joke he/she knows and having no comedy skills. Sorry, in the words of Donald trump, You're fired. Fired your ass right out the cab. Walk. Don't do comedy. Top ten reasons you shouldn't be doing comedy. Reason number 1.- You suck. No.2- The finniest thing to ever come out of your lame ass frat-boy mouth  was your frat brother. No. 3- Drunk doesn't equal clever. No.4- hating on the cabby isn't comedy, it's a cry for help. Go take a  fucking bath. No. 5- Just because you got in the cab, doesn't mean I like you and your cynical tone. You paid for the ride not the jokes. Asshole. No. 6- Complaining is for bitches. Dude, change your tampon. I cannot really read your mind, it's all an act. No. 7- This is a cab, not a limo or a free comedy show. I will kick your ass. lol I don't open doors for dudes or Miss daisy. Bitch you're trippin. No. 8- Your breath smells like homemade meth and ass sprinkles. Please, reach in my pocket. I have some tic tacs. Have as many as you want. No. 9- Funny looking isn't enough. How did you plaid shirt wearing mother fuckers ever get laid. Being white and preppy, should be against the law. Am I the only person who genuinely dislikes "those" frat fucks? 8 times out of ten, the are circle jerk all stars. No. 10- The number ten reason  you shouldn't be doing comedy is not that complicated. I don't like you and would really enjoy running over your so so funny ass, but we don't really get points for that. Years maybe. All I'm saying is, driving a cab is a good opportunity to meet a lot of people in the area face to face. I'm what you call, a shameless self promoter. I've been blessed to have these shows and people in my life to make that possible. Thanks for your support and my ability to perform is undeniable. So, this weekend was all i expected. Monday is gonna be productive and simple. Let's get this b.s. cracking Athens,Ga. This is the Gorjus life of Buddah. Not always so pretty, just Gorjus. See you on the other side of the pillow.

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